How to Setup a Virtual Server Using Wamp

How to Setup a Virtual Server Using Wamp

Create your project directory


Open Wamp & Click Add a Virtual Host

Fill out both of the inputs outlined in read

  1. enter the name of your site. I use projectname.test
  2. Enter the path to the directory you just created in step 1

Clear Hosts DNS Cache

Open command line and enter ipconfig /flushdns

Restart Wamp

Enter your virtual host projectname.test


Are you installing WordPress?

Create a database following these instructions

Download the latest wordpress files and unzip in your project folder

Then visit your virtual host you created above to enter your database credentials.

  1. Database name
  2. Database username – if using wamp should be root
  3. Database password – if using wamp password should be blank
  4. Database host – if wamp use localhost
  5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database)

Written by: Jake Lett
I share digital marketing tips and HubSpot tutorials to help marketers and business owners grow their business.

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